Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Who is this "man"?

Who is the plump man in the red and white suit? The man with the snow white hair and beard? The man with the sleigh and reindeer? To me as a kid he was the toy guy. The best person in the world.

We took Raegan to Disneyland last weekend. She loved it. Such a stimulation overload for her but I think she enjoyed every minute of it. And Santa was there so we took her to see Santa. She was fine with the big stranger dressed in red. Just looked at us like why did you set me on this strange mans lap but overall she did very well.

As much as the above pictures is very cute. Raegan wasn't looking at the camera. I wanted a Christmas Card picture of Raegan looking at the camera so we decided to dress her in red and white and take her to the mall. The Santa at the mall looked very similar to the Santa at Disneyland, so why did we get pictures like this.....

Well...needless to say she did not enjoy this experience. I thought it was kind of funny so I was snapping pictures. Pretty funny that even with a screaming child on his lap Santa still had a big smile. I guess we will settle for the Disneyland picture with Santa. However, I am considering putting one of these on my Christmas cards as well.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Adventures in Frugal Land

I have been trying my best to remain frugal. Save money for nicer things. Well...to me a nice thing is a really good camera. So I have been frequently visiting this website called myfrugaladventures.com. It is awesome. This is what I purchased yesterday for a grand total of $9.79. That is a $25.20 cent savings. AMAZING!!

pictured above are 13 name brand items that I got for an average of .75 cents each. You can not beat that. I have to say that being frugal and looking for deals is addicting. I love it now. I am not sure my husband appreciates it yet because this is how a conversation with me goes.
Him: do you want to go to lunch somewhere.
Me: sure, where do you want to go.
Him: I dont care
Me: well let me see what I have a coupon for.
HA HA HA....I try to use coupons every opportunity that I can. Why not? In these days it is good to save your money and be frugal. I am so excited. Its time for me to go look for coupons.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Planning a birthday party while remaining frugal

So I am learning to be more frugal. Thanks to a little help from some websites I have visited. Here is my latest frugal adventure.

I am currently planning for Raegan's first birthday party. We are having a My Little Pony themed party. I already bought the outfit on Ebay. It was only $25 and it is super cute.

So to match her outfit I wanted a really cute party hat. I had seen them on Etsy before and they are pretty pricey. I pride myself on being a pretty crafty person. I guess I get that from my mom who can pretty much do anything crafty. Paint, sew, you name it. She can do it. So I went to Michaels and bought the stuff to make the hat myself. Here is what it looks like and to make it much better. Supples for it only cost me around $5. Now that is frugal. I saved myself $20.

Now if I can only figure out a way to save on the Pizza that we planning on buying for everyone. I do not plan this to be a small birthday party. I think my list is at 30 people right now. Unfortunately it is cold in January when her birthday comes so we can not do a bbq outside somewhere. I need to have it at the pizza parlor this year and I wouldnt feel right if I didnt buy the pizza for all. Oh well...Thats an expense I will just have to make. I am so happy to be planning her first birthday but at the same time I am sad that I am already planning this. My baby is going to be one in 3 short months.

Monday, November 8, 2010


I consider myself to be a frugal person. I try to find the best deals. I dont always by name brands because 98% of the time the off brand is just as good. But I want to be super frugal. I know it takes a lot of time and some practice. I want to clip coupons and be that women who goes to the grocery store and walks out with $100 in grocery for $20. How is it done? I have tried it before. I can never find the right coupons. Where do you find coupons? I frequently visit this website called myfrugaladventures.com . This is a great site. If you havent checked it out yet, do so. I have saved about $30 since looking at her site but the lady that runs this site is the person I want to be. She always shows her purchases and how much she spends on them. It's amazing. I want to be that person.

What will I do with the savings that I get? I want a new camera. Not just a throw it in your purse camera. I want a really nice camera. You know the Lexus of all camera's that is probably between $500 and $600. In order to get that I need to save. So coupon clipping here I come.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Come and Gone

Here it is November 2nd. Another month has come and gone. The last 9 months of my life have been just that, Come and Gone. Way to quickly for my liking. My baby girl will be 10 months old very soon. Gone are the days where she used to just lay in my arms and sleep, gone are the days where she would just look into your eyes and smile because you are looking at her. She is very close to being a toddler instead of my little baby. She wants to be on the floor moving instead of being held by me, she now looks back and smiles at me as she is heading towards the entertainment center where she knows she should not be and now our house looks like a daycare because of all the toys to keep her occupied.

Why is it the times that you wish life would just stroll along and take its time really goes by super fast. I wanted the first year of my Princesses life to just slowly go on. I feel as if it went so quickly

This weekend was fun. We celebrated Halloween with friends. I dressed Raegan up and she lasted about 10 minutes before falling asleep for the rest of the night. She looked really cute though.

She was my precious little kitten. So now Halloween has come and gone and took the month of October with it. And now we come to November and Thanksgiving. I am sure it will come and go just as quickly as the past 9 months have.